Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What a weekend, ya'll. Friday night saw plenty of Action, but not in the traditional sense. We had a dinner for a friend who is now liberated. In the course of the dinner, there was entertainment. And this entertainment was AWESOME! She came into our private dining room and the enchanting music started and then she started and I was mesmerized! Belly dancing is so exotic, exciting and appetite encouraging! She moved, swayed and smiled throughout the 5 minute set and we were enthralled and enrapt! She was amazing. The dinner was great and the company was fabulous: Paige (newly liberated), Paula, GLJ, Jennifer, Ethan, Talitha, Karri, and a couple others. What a night! If you're ever in Austin and you want some good Middle Eastern fare, go to Ararat. The food is great and the music never stops. Saturday was a fun day, though cold and rainy. Just worked inside all day with the Boss, doing Video stuff, you know? But Saturday night, well, that's a different story. Got a bottle of the finest and went with the Boss to the Alpine House (where GLJ used to live) for a great big old party! The occasion was the imminent departure of Jen, one of the gals who lives there. She is leaving for a year to study meditation around the country. But first, she's going to Mardi Gras. The party was fantastic! Such nice people and great music... Johnny and his son played Beatles' songs and then Austin Family Jewels played a couple 3 songs. Then there were some drums and then Johnny and one of the Eggmen played Beatles' songs for 2 hours and everyone was singing. Didn't get home til early in the AM and we slept til 11, had coffee for breakfast then GLJ went to work and I went to play. Not really play, in that I worked all day, just not at my regular job. Sunday night, went to Cafe Caffeine to see QTN play. Filmed that one and was blown away by Brian and his beautiful music. Was touched by his songs. They really moved me. And everyone else. Home via Polvo's with GLJ then to sleep shortly thereafter. What a weekend. And the fun never stops here in Austin. What are you doing tonight?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for saying your blog is boring ,even though I havent read your blog I like it.

10:21 PM  

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