Friday, October 14, 2005

This weekend is shaping up to be something special. But then, with all the music here in Austin, one is bound to find something one likes, can enjoy, and maybe even bug out to. Here's a sampling of things going on: Hickoids, Beto y los Fairlanes, Veruca Salt, Audiophile, Handsome Charlies, Guy Forsyth, Scott H. Biram, Glass Family, the list goes on and on and on. Check out to see it all. BUT, what am I, your humble writer, doing this weekend? Non-music related: test driving a couple cars, finishing a DVD we've been at for 3 months, learning Flash and exercising. The real stuff, though, is music related, and for that, all options are on the table. Tonight, I'm thinking, not live music, but DJ beats at Tambaleo or something. I want to DANCE! Did you ever see "Caligula" with Malcolm McDowell? I love the part when Peter O'Toole, playing Tiberius, makes Caligula dance for him. He had dementia, you know. Caligula couldn't dance. But I can shake it like no one is watching. Oh wait, they are watching, and everyone is laughing!! Anyway, girls love a man who dances, and can actually dance. I digress. Tomorrow, probably will go to Headhunter's on Red River and see Black Joe Lewis. I saw him for 5 minutes years ago with Scott Biram. If the 5 minutes I saw is any indication of what a full set is like, I want in! He rocked and, I suppose, still rocks. Won't know till I go. What are you doing this weekend? Whatever it is, make it ROCK!!


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