Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Did I say I was going out this past weekend? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH. I'm lame. Stayed in both nights and watched movies and baseball. Had fun, but didn't go out. My business partner, though, did go out on Sunday to The Hole In The Wall to catch Bo Bud Green. Whether you know these guys or not, the show was over the top! Or so I heard. Expecting just a regular kinda show, my friend was unprepared for what happened. A full-on rock show ensued, complete with dancing people, drinks flying and splitting eardrums! WOW! Must have been quite a sight! Heard Gang of Four rocked Emo's the other night and Go Team was sold out. Austin is crazy, ya'll. So much to do, not enough tapes to record it all!


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